Sunday, July 9, 2017

My new favorite artist: Jeremy Geddes

Acedia 2000
Artist: Jeremy Geddes

It is not often I discover an artist whose art I just fall in love with. Jeremy Geddes has this way of visualizing the world that takes my breathe away. Whether floating astronauts, exploding buildings, or split up people, his art is intended to, and succeeds to evoke a strong emotion, good or bad.

I discovered Jeremy in the latest issue of High Fructose magazine. If you are interested in contemporary art, you should definitely subscribe to High Fructose magazine. However, if you are easily upset by surreal art, you should skip this magazine.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Fake Stars

A backdrop on a stage can be perforated to create the feeling of night time stars. One might call this an artificial night, or one could use the more popular word, "fake." Fake stars imply that they have been created to deceive. Artificial stars imply that they have been created to set a mood. Normally one would not call the backdrop stars fake. But these are not normal times. When the leader of the free world uses the word fake, he does so with malice.

Does this trend imply that we too should adopt a posture of malice? Should we call a toy duck a fake duck? Should we call a Teddy bear a Fake bear? Should we call a model railroad a fake railroad? Should we call an actor in a role a fake person? Should we call a photograph fake art? Should we call store Santa a fake Santa? Should we call a veggie burger a fake burger?

Personally I don't think our leaders create the world in which we live, rather we create the world in which our leaders live.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Rest On Art

While on a trip to Spokane, Washington, I awoke early went for a walk to photograph art. The night before I had seen this bench on my way to have a nightcap and ice cream. It was an art bench created by artist Timothy Biggs using old scarp machine parts from the former Steam Plant. It is not often that a bench on a sidewalk can be art.

Unfortunately the seat was not comfortable to sit upon. It reminded me of sitting on a waffle iron. Not that I have ever sat on a waffle iron. ☺

You can see more shots of this bench here.